Trivial development: How to check a checkbox using FormHelper in CakePHP
2008.01.02. 14:21 0k-
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Címkék: english cakephp development
Changing SVN account (in Eclipse)
2007.11.21. 13:55 0k-
So you have an imported project bound to an SVN repo and after a while you want to change username/password you're using to access it. Seemingly there's no option for this in Eclipse. What I did was clearing the authentication data in TortoiseSVN. To do this select Settings in TortoiseSVN menu (eg.…
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Címkék: english development
Custom starting year for date-time selection tags in CakePHP
2007.02.01. 12:51 0k-
CakePHP has builtin functions in it's HTML Helper class to easily generate dropdown lists for date selection: dayOptionTag(), monthOptionTag(), yearOptionTag() and finally dateTimeOptionTag(). The latter is very handy for quickly constructing registration pages. By default the starting year for this…
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Címkék: php english cakephp development

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